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Disillusioned Republicans Have a Home with Us

The Republican Party was founded by those opposed to slavery in a small schoolhouse in Wisconsin. It was the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and McCain. Today’s Republican Party doesn’t resemble anything that it did just 12 years ago.

National Republican politicians have pushed farther and farther to the extremes. They spread false information about stolen elections, man-made hurricanes, and Jewish-controlled space lasers.

In 2017, we saw white supremacists march in Charlottesville Virginia carrying torches and chanting hateful bile. In 2021, we witnessed a violent mob storm the United States Capitol. Both of these events resulted in the loss of life.

In Nebraska and in Cass County, Republican Party leaders have sought to ban books, insert government into personal medical decisions, and raise taxes on working people.

Neither the national, state, nor county GOP hold true to conservative values. Values of freedom, small government, fiscal responsibility, and respect for hard work.

As Democrats in Cass County, our party is important to us but our country is more important. We hope that our Republican neighbors share the same sentiment.

It’s time for neighbors to come together to reject the hateful rhetoric and poor policy pushed by the modern-day Republican leadership.

Disillusioned Republicans will always have a seat at our table. We will always meet them with open arms and the Nebraska Nice attitude we expect in the community.

The simple fact is Democrats, especially Cass County Democrats, aren’t wealthy coastal elites. We’re your neighbors and we’re fighting for you too.

We believe in planting the seeds to grow the good life right here. We believe in supporting our seniors and retaining young people in our community. We believe in lower property taxes and strong public schools. We believe in a local economy that works for small businesses and family farmers. We believe in free and fair elections. We believe in a government that stays out of your damn business.

In 2024, lifelong Republicans including Liz Cheney (WY) and Jeff Flake (AZ) are endorsing Kamala Harris and Nebraska-native Tim Walz.

Whether you support, oppose, or are unsure about national Democrats. Please know there are Democrats in Cass County running for school boards and county commissioner with one thing in mind: public service.

Join us in ensuring that despite increased polarization and political violence nationally, that neighbors support neighbors in our community. Whether you’re a registered Democrat, Republican, Nonpartisan, or something else, you have a home with us.



Cass County Democrats

P.O. Box 201

Weeping Water, NE 68463

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